10:23:00 PM
Some of you may have berries in your frig but don't have enough of one berry to make a jam recipe. My solution is a cup of three different ones to make a small batch (3 half pint jars) of a delicious and not overly sweet low sugar spread. I seem to have this problem quite a bit when doing so many experimental recipes, but I put together a quick recipe that you could use up the fresh berries and still enjoy them in the jam later in the year.

The three berries I used were blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries. I love that blueberries will stay round and taunt in jams and jellies if you don't mash them with the spoon and the strawberries will add a natural sweetness and give a purple hue to the recipe. The blackberries leave the jam with the snappy little seeds and add a bit of depth to the overall flavor. It's a good marriage and as a result a lovely jam with the ability to work with your yogurt, granola, or just with your favorite multi-grain bread. Here is another great recipe and super simple to make.

Triple Treat Berry Jam

Triple Treat Berry Jam

1 cup strawberries
1 cup blueberries
1 cup blackberries
1 cup sugar
1 T. bottle lemon juice
1 1/2 T. Ball flex batch pectin

Combine all the berries into a stainless steel or enamel dutch oven. Heat for 15 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally. Be gently with your stirring trying not to break up all the fruit.
Meanwhile, Prepare 3 half pint jars and lids by sterilizing them in 180 degree water for 10 minutes.
Add sugar and lemon juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Add the pectin and bring back to a boil for one minute, stirring constantly.
Remove jars from water and ladle the recipe into the jars. Remove air from jars, wipe rims, add additional recipe to fill to 1/4" headspace. Add hot lids and rings. Process in water bath and start timing when it returns to a full boil for 10 minutes. 

Remove jars and set on dishtowel overnight. Remove rings and store.

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